Why Does My Cat Sleep Under My Bed? Find Out Now

Do you ever wonder ‘why does my cat sleep under my bed?

Is it because he is looking for a warm place to hide from the cold? or it could be that he’s just trying to find a quiet place to rest.

Why Does My Cat Sleep Under My Bed

Here are some reasons why your cat might sleep under your bed and what you can do to help him. 

Reasons Your Cat Sleeps Under The Bed

Listed below are reasons as to why your cat may be sleeping under your bed.

They May Be Afraid Of Another Pet Or Child In Your Home

If your cat is afraid of another pet or another cat, he may try to keep away from them. This is especially true if he is a male cat.

cat hiding under bed

Males tend to be more aggressive than females

A cat that is scared of another cat or another pet may sleep under the bed.

If your child is rough with your cat, he may also be scared of him and may try to keep away from him. If this happens, he may try to sleep under the bed. 

Afraid Of Visitors

If your cat is afraid of visitors in your home, he may try to keep away from them.

One place that cats love to hide away in is under a bed.

Cats are not usually very trusting when it comes to strangers.

If your cat doesn’t want to be around people, it’s probably because he doesn’t trust them or feels threatened.

This is a perfectly normal reaction for a cat and you can help him out by getting him to know the people in your house, but just remember, you should never force a cat to get used to visitors in your home if he has a negative experience with strangers.

It’s best to let your cat learn to trust them slowly and gradually.


If your cat is suffering from anxiety and fear, he may try to sleep under the bed.

If you’ve ever been afraid of something, you’ll know that your body feels tense and you’re unable to sleep well.

If you feel tense and nervous, you may try to find a place where you can relax.

This is how cats feel when they’re afraid.

If your cat is scared of a loud noise or a sudden movement, he may sleep under the bed to avoid the sound or the movement.

Your Cat Just Wants To Nap

Some cats just want to rest and nap.

If your cat is feeling tired, he may try to find a place where he can rest and sleep.

If you find him sleeping under the bed, it’s probably because he’s trying to find a quiet place to rest.

Health Issues

If your cat has health issues, he may try to find a place where he can sleep and rest.

Cats can get sick or injured and if this happens, they may try to find a place where they can rest and recover.


If your cat is pregnant, she may try to find a place where she can give birth to her kittens.

cat mom with newborn kittens

She may try to sleep under the bed because it’s a warm and safe place.

In this case, it is best to just leave her to it as long as she is comfortable.

Changes In Their Environment

If your cat has recently moved to a new home, he may try to find a place where he can relax and rest.

This is because he may feel overwhelmed with the new environment and he may try to find a place where he can feel more comfortable.

He may sleep under the bed because it’s a safe and quiet place to rest.

If you have recently moved, you may want to look into getting your cat a new bed and try to get him used to it before you move your bed.

Why Do Cats Love To Hide?

It is a behavior that helps them to be safe

My Cat Hiding Under My Bed

Cats don’t like to stay alone because they are afraid that someone or something will attack them. That is why they like to be hidden somewhere so that they don’t get hurt.

They will also look for a place where they can sleep without being disturbed by anyone.

Conclusion – Why Does My Cat Sleep Under My Bed?

In conclusion, I want to say that when it comes to asking yourself ‘why does my cat sleep under my bed?’, it depends on so many different factors. But the most important thing is that you have a good understanding of what your cat is trying to tell you by sleeping under your bed.

I hope that this article was helpful for you in learning about why does my cat sleep under my bed.