Does Your Indoor Cat Need Shots?

You might not think so, but cats need shots just like people. Cats can get all sorts of diseases from other animals that they might come in contact with, so it’s good to make sure that your cat is as healthy as possible.

Indoor cats are typically more sheltered from viruses

Does Indoor Cat Need Shots

Why is it that indoor cats are typically considered more sheltered from viruses than their outdoor counterparts? In many cases, exposure is lessened due to a lack of contact with the outside world, and this is particularly true of today’s indoor cats. They’re often kept indoors when it rains, and so they’re not exposed to the elements. This means that they are less likely to come into contact with other cats and thus more likely to prevent a common virus such as feline herpes from taking hold.

Kittens need shots

A new study found that about 8% of indoor-only cats are infected with a serious disease called toxoplasmosis. The infection is transmitted through contact with cat feces. Toxoplasmosis can be dangerous for unborn babies.

Does Your Indoor Cat Need Shots

Cats shed a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii in their feces, and it’s spread through contact with infected cat feces, infected meat, and in the case of pregnant women, through contact with contaminated soil, according to the CDC.

The risks of vaccinations

The debate over vaccinations has been waged for many years with passionate opinions from both sides. Most of the time, the discussion is focused on children and the risks associated with not getting them vaccinated. But what about your indoor cat? Should you be concerned about your cat’s need for immunizations?

Vaccinating your cat against diseases such as cat flu or cat asthma does not usually have any adverse effects on your cat, as long as you follow the directions on the vaccine insert. In fact, these vaccines are fairly safe and effective. In rare instances, vaccination can cause serious reactions. Such is the case with vaccines that contain antibiotics. It is important to note that the vast majority of vaccines are made with polyclonal antigens and they do not contain any live virus. This means that they cannot cause an infection (as live virus vaccines can) or cause a disease that has not been identified (as in the case of live virus vaccines).

Even when the vaccine contains polyclonal antigens, it is unlikely to cause disease.