How Long Does It Take For Cat Hair To Grow Back?

So, you have shaven your cat. Or maybe you are looking to shave them in the future, but how long does it take for cat hair to grow back?

Cat growing its hair back

It is a good idea to have a little knowledge about how quickly a cat’s fur grows back. This will allow you to have a better understanding of the process and how long you will have to wait until your cat is the little ball of fluff that it used to be.

How Long Does It Take for Cat Hair to Grow Back?

On average, it will take around 3-6 months for your cat’s hair to fully grow back into the luxurious coat it once had.

Obviously, this depends on the length of the cat hair you cut off in the first place, but in general, 3-6 months is a good estimate.

Short-haired cats will see a faster return to their original coat type when compared to a long-haired cat, as their coat doesn’t have as much length to grow.

Reasons Why You May Want To Cut Your Cat’s Fur:

There are a few different reasons why you would want to shave your cat, so I’ve gone ahead and listed the most common ones below:

shaving your cat

– If you live in a hot, humid area where your cat’s fur tends to mat up easily, you may want to consider shaving them so that you can brush them more easily.

– If you have other pets that are allergic to cats, you may want to consider shaving them so that your other pets can no longer react to them.

– If you are allergic to cats but love them anyway, then you may also want to consider shaving them, as it can make it easier for you to interact with them.

– They may be infested with fleas and ticks, and you may want to consider shaving them to keep them from biting, scratching, and sucking their blood.

– They may need to be shaved if they are undergoing surgery

Should I Shave My Cat Myself?:

Unless you know what you are doing, I would advise against doing it yourself as this is a very delicate procedure which needs to be done properly.

For this reason, I would not recommend using an electric razor on your cat. If you are not sure what to do then I recommend getting your cat shaved at the groomers.

How Can I Make My Cat’s Hair Grow Back Faster?:

If your cat’s hair is growing slowly, it’s probably because of your cat’s diet.

Cat hair is made of keratin, and hair growth is dependent on the availability of the amino acids that cats need to make hair. These amino acids are needed to make keratin.

Feed Your Cat Foods With Proteins:

Some nutritionists claim that if it’s growing slowly, then you’re not giving them enough protein.

You’ll want to feed your cat foods with high-quality proteins to ensure that your cat’s body is getting the nutrition it needs. Proteins in foods are broken down into amino acids, the building blocks of the visible hair, skin, and muscles in cats.

Feed Your Cat Foods With Minerals:

Cats need certain minerals to keep their bodies in good working order. Zinc and iron are two minerals that help with normal growth and development and help fight against infection. Zinc is also necessary for the development and function of the immune system.

Feed Your Cat Foods With Vitamins:

Cats are carnivores, which means they are designed to eat meat. Because of this, they are much more likely to suffer from deficiencies in certain vitamins.

This is why it is so important to feed your cat foods with vitamins. These will help to ensure your cat is getting enough of these and other important nutrients.

Why Is My Cat’s Hair Not Growing Back?:

bald cat

If your cat’s hair is not growing back, it could be down to one or more of these reasons:

Fur shedding:

Many cats shed their fur, which is normal and healthy for them.

However, if they are doing shedding at the same time that you are waiting for their fur to grow back, then, you will not see the results of the growth that you are expecting.


This is a condition that is caused by a fungus. It will cause a circular rash on your pet’s skin. It is highly contagious and it will spread easily to you and to other pets. It is a common skin condition which a lot of pets will get during shedding.

This usually only produces a bald spot but may affect the full body in extreme cases.

External parasites:

Parasites such as fleas, ticks, and mites could be the cause of why your cat’s hair is not growing back.

These could make your cat’s skin itchy, cause them to scratch and lick, and lead to hair loss.

Autoimmune diseases:

Other possible causes of hair loss in cats include feline Panleukopenia, feline leukemia, and FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis). All of these diseases are auto-immune diseases. That means the body attacks itself and causes inflammation.

Feline Alopecia:

What is Feline Alopecia? Simply put, Feline Alopecia is when your cat loses their fur due to a hormonal imbalance. It is very common in male cats, especially domestic shorthairs.

It is usually hereditary and there is no cure.

The only treatment available is shaving or depilation. Shaving is not a permanent solution and often results in the growth of a thicker coat of hair which can lead to further problems. Hair growing back is usually slower than normal which leads to the development of unsightly bumps and lumps.

Consider Just Giving Them A Trim:

Instead of completely shaving your cat, consider giving them a trim. Trimming can help control your cat’s hair so you don’t have to deal with a lot of fur on your clothes and furniture.

cat having its hair cut

You can ask your veterinarian to show you how to give your cat a trim.